Use "it came to pass|it come to pass" in a sentence

1. It really did come to pass.

2. 6 And it came to pass that the Lamanites did make preparations to come against the city Teancum.

3. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed.

4. 4 And it came to pass that he departed into the wilderness.

5. The prophecy came to pass.

6. 22 And it came to pass in the three hundred and forty and sixth year they began to come upon us again.

7. Solomon Spalding writes in the Biblic style, and commences almost every sentence with, "And it came to pass," -- "Now, it came to pass." Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet

8. 5 And it came to pass that he apruned it, and digged about it, and nourished it according to his word.

9. 19 And it came to pass that Coriantor dwelt in captivity all his days.

10. He promised to pass it along.

11. 15 And it came to pass that Lib did pursue him until he came to the plains of Agosh.

12. Strange things will come to pass.

13. Thus it had come to pass , that Tellson's was the triumphant perfection of inconvenience.

14. And it came to pass that Kib reigned in his stead; and Kib begat Corihor.

15. 6 And it came to pass that Alma ainquired of the Lord concerning the matter.

16. 7 And it came to pass that Alma and his brethren did minister unto them.

17. 32 And it came to pass that Com drew away the half of the kingdom.

18. And it came to pass that Shule abegat sons and daughters in his old age.

19. 3 And it came to pass that he abrake bbread again and blessed it, and gave to the disciples to eat.

20. It will come to pass, shortly I presume, that others will come forward to claim they wrote the book.

21. And it came to pass that he had no children even until he was exceedingly aold.

22. 2 And it came to pass that the Amalekites, because of their loss, were exceedingly angry.

23. 8 And it came to pass that they were repulsed and driven back by the Nephites.

24. And it came to pass that Coriantumr beat him, and did pursue him until he came to the plains of Heshlon.

25. 28 And it came to pass that the people did wax more gross in their iniquities.

26. And it came to pass that he did afflict the people with his whoredoms and abominations.

27. 19 And it came to pass that the sons of Coriantumr fought much and bled much.

28. How exactly did that come to pass?

29. But that did not come to pass.

30. None of this may come to pass, but all efforts to prevent it so far have backfired.

31. If this does not come to pass, it will not have been for want of ambition.

32. Betide: 1 v become of; happen to Synonyms: bechance , befall Type of: come about , fall out , go on , hap , happen , occur , pass , pass off , take place come to pass

33. 18 And it came to pass that Kish passed away also, and Lib reigned in his stead.

34. 15 And it came to pass that Ammon said unto him again: What desirest thou of me?

35. Strange things come to pass I troubled times.

36. 28 And it came to pass that Shared fought against him for the space of three days.

37. Such drastic outcomes may never come to pass.

38. And it came to pass that they did all these things according to the commandment of the king, Heth.

39. The signal for finger 1 is for him to repeat, “And it came to pass” whenever it appears in the Book of Mormon.

40. 24 And it came to pass that the people did arevile against the prophets, and did mock them.

41. It will soon pass away.

42. Like other Arborvitae, deer tend to pass it by

43. It was too good an opportunity to pass up.

44. 5 And it came to pass that Methuselah lived one hundred and eighty-seven years, and begat Lamech;

45. And it came to pass that Amalickiah took possession of the city, yea, possession of all their fortifications.

46. 11 And it came to pass that he stood before Alma and pled for himself with much boldness.

47. All he had to do was decode it and pass it over.

48. “And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them.

49. 32 And it came to pass that aCoriantumr fell to the earth, and became as if he had no life.

50. 25 And it came to pass that they followed the king, and went forth without arms to meet the Lamanites.

51. 15 And it came to pass that we were about to be swallowed up in the depths of the sea.

52. May this prophecy come to pass in Jesus'name, Amen!

53. All physical states come to be and pass away.

54. The threat has come to pass without any damage.

55. And it came to pass that I arose and went up into the mountain, and cried unto the Lord.

56. 13 And it came to pass that Coriantumr pursued him; and Lib gave battle unto him upon the seashore.

57. 21 And it came to pass that the brother of Jared did so, according as the Lord had commanded.

58. And now it had come to pass that there were many, even among the Nephites, of Gadianton’s band.

59. It allows you to pass the values as PHP strings.

60. 34 And it came to pass that aIshmael died, and was buried in the place which was called bNahom.

61. 28 And it came to pass that Ammon and Lamoni proceeded on their journey towards the land of Middoni.

62. It is situated in the San Gorgonio Pass, also known as Banning Pass

63. What grace is given me let it pass to him.

64. If it is not, then pass to the next element.

65. 15 And it came to pass that they did repent, and inasmuch as they did repent they did begin to prosper.

66. 11 And it came to pass that Lamoni rehearsed unto him whither he was going, for he feared to offend him.

67. 10 And it came to pass that the Lamanites did pursue them, and did overtake them, and began to slay them.

68. 17 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did cause my people to be aindustrious, and to blabor with their chands.

69. 23 And it came to pass that Coriantor begat aEther, and he died, having dwelt in captivity all his days.

70. “And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them.

71. 7 And it came to pass that there were many cities built anew, and there were many old cities repaired.

72. And it came to pass that Kim did anot reign in righteousness, wherefore he was not favored of the Lord.

73. I doubt if his promises will ever come to pass.

74. 13 And it came to pass also that the armies of the Lamanites came down out of the aland of Nephi, to battle against his people.

75. 9 And it came to pass after I had prayed unto the Lord I beheld a large and spacious afield.

76. 19 And it came to pass that Lib also did that which was good in the sight of the Lord.

77. 9 And it came to pass that they laid hold on them, and bound them and cast them into prison.

78. 14 Young came up with the scheme to pass phony checks.

79. I am too terrified to bear it, and I pass out.

80. Why is it fair to pass piecemeal reforms for powerful industries?